7 Powerful Conjunction Makeovers for Fanboys
What is a Conjunction? In grammar, a conjunction is a part of speech that connects words, phrases, or clauses. Have you ever heard of the acronym FANBOYS? It is neither about fans or boys, but it is a way to remember the seven coordinating conjunctions we use to...
Top 30 Make & Do Collocations
What are Collocations? “Collocation” is how words are combined to create speech and writing that sound natural. There are some combinations of words that are correct, but even though their usages would be understandable, some collocations are not right. If I told you,...
Beware of These 10 Silent Consonants in English
What are Silent Consonants? In this article, I will help you recognize and understand silent consonants. English is not a phonetic language, where each letter corresponds to one sound. Even though there are only 26 letters in the English alphabet, there are 44 sounds....
Use Energizing Synonyms for Amazing Conversations
Using Energizing Synonyms for Amazing Communications Are you tired of using the same boring words in your conversations or when you write? We all get into “ruts” when we speak and write, which may become boring in time. Let’s take a look at how we can spice up...
How to Use Homophones Correctly in English
Added Challenge to Spelling in EnglishSpelling in English is challenging all on its own. When we consider words with the same pronunciation but with different spellings, we face a bigger challenge. These words are called homophones. Same sounding words with different...
Write Better and Faster with This Easy Tool
An Awesome Organizer: What/Why/HowDo you struggle with organizing your thoughts when you are writing or giving a speech? I would like to share with you an awesome organizer. As an educator for over 25 years, I can tell you this has been the most effective tool I have...
Using English Eating Idioms
HOW DO YOU EAT YOUR FOOD? Do you gobble up your food or snarf it down?We are enjoying nice fall weather now that it is November, which brings to mind a holiday that brings family and friends together in the United States. On the fourth Thursday of every November, we...
How to Pronounce American and British English
Which one is your choice?One of the hardest parts of learning English is the pronunciation. We all struggle with it. Depending on where in the world you started learning English, you were either taught American or British English or both! Since I am familiar with...
Die, Death, Dead, and Deadly in English
I have a Halloween treat for you.Does learning English scare you… to death? If your answer is yes, then join me as I show the different parts of speech related to "die": die, death, dead, and deadly. I made a video years ago and thought it would be fun to reintroduce...
Six Keys to Great Writing in English
How to Write WellHave you ever wondered what it takes to write well? Join me as I reveal the secret of great writing to answer these questions: How do I know if my writing is good? What do I need to pay attention to so I can write successful paragraphs and essays?...
How to Use the Verb “to Be” Correctly
Meet the Many Faces of the Verb "to Be"“To be or not to be, that is the question.” I have uttered this sentence in amusement and frustration in my teaching whenever I met the blank looks from my students. By the way, I am using this famous statement from “Hamlet” by...
Improve Your Everyday Grammar with Voice of America
Voice of America Learning EnglishDo you find learning grammar challenging, dry, and lifeless? Can you use what you learn in grammar in your speech and writing? As an English teacher and linguist for over 25 years, I have heard English learners complain about grammar...
How Drops Can Help You Learn English Faster
Language Drops Vocabulary AppAs language learners, we need to spend time learning words since they are the building blocks of any language. With Drops, you can learn new words in just 5 minutes a day. Drops is a language program that teaches vocabulary. It has...
Learn English Faster with Merriam-Webster Dictionary
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary OnlineAs English Learners, we need a reliable dictionary. One dictionary that I have been using for a long time is the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. I use it on my computer and I have an app for it for my smartphone. I would like to tell...
Learn English Faster: Read As You Listen
Read Free E-Books with Project GutenbergSo, you have decided to invest time in learning English faster. Here is an amazing tip for you. Read books while listening to them. It is now so much easier to be able to do this with the available technology. I want to share...