
Use Energizing Synonyms for Amazing Conversations

Use-Energizing Synonyms for Amazing Conversation

Written by Meryem Kennedy

Meryem has worked with students of all ages from all over the world. As a teacher for over 25 years, she has taught at high schools, universities, colleges, and language institutions, in addition to private tutoring. Her education includes three university degrees: English Teaching, Applied Linguistics, and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).

Using Energizing Synonyms for Amazing Communications


Are you tired of using the same boring words in your conversations or when you write? We all get into “ruts” when we speak and write, which may become boring in time. Let’s take a look at how we can spice up our daily conversations or written communications with energizing synonyms.

Shades of Words

Synonyms for Amazing Conversation

Have you heard of the phrases “shades of word meanings” or  “word ladders or nuances”? We can define each of these phrases as a way of ordering words in terms of their intensity or small differences in describing an idea.

If we use the appropriate shades of word meanings, our descriptions will be more interesting. People will actually pay attention and want to continue listening to us or reading our work.

Synonyms for Amazing Conversation

Try this. Next time someone asks you how your meeting with your boss was, tell them it was “splendid,” rather than answering with a dry “It was okay.” I guarantee you they will ask you questions to find out more because they are curious now.

The most common place we can get into a lifeless routine is when we answer the question, “How are you?” Most of us answer it with words, such as good, okay, not bad, fine, etc. We rarely say “fantastic,” “wonderful,” “super,” “awesome,” or “excellent.”

Isn’t it more exciting to hear or read colorful words?

Look at this situation: We can describe a comedy with just the word, “funny.” We may even add “very funny”! but it will not create the reaction if we claim it was “hilarious” or “hysterical” or “sidesplitting.”


Finding Energizing Synonyms


Need help?

So, how do we learn to use more intense words? You can simply use a dictionary to search for synonyms of the word you would like to enhance. I recommend selecting three or more synonyms or related words that you feel will increase the effectiveness of your word. Make sure the word you have chosen is appropriate for the context of your sentence. You may want to cross-check the definition of the new word to see if they can be used in the same sense.



Vocabulary Bank

I also suggest that you build a vocabulary bank for yourself where you order your new words from the least intense to the most intense. For example, we can order the following words related to temperature in terms of their intensity: cool, cold, chilly, freezing. When choosing your synonyms for your word bank, try using these categories.

Synonyms for

You can find more information in my video:

Using Energizing Synonyms for Amazing Communications



It’s important to begin to use more colorful synonyms for the times you would like to draw attention to your communications. The next time someone asks you how you are doing, try saying “fantastic” or “wonderful.” Watch their interest in what you are saying perk up. When you are writing your next email, try replacing a couple of those old boring words with synonyms for a more powerful statement. Let me know in the comments how you are doing with this exercise. I would love to hear from you.

Use-Energizing Synonyms for Amazing Conversation

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