
English for Everyone

Supercharge Your English Skills!

Join YICLE Academy for free to supercharge your English skills. Become part of the YICLE community of English learners just like you and get the support and motivation you needto succed!

Learn English Faster

Courses and Video Lessons

Easy to follow courses to help you learn English faster

Video lessons created to answer your questions

English Courses

Get Your Questions Answered

Help and Support

Whatever the project you are working on, you will get your questions answered, get the help/support you need to stay motivated and on track to success.

The Academy

How It Works



Everything you Need to Succed

Get links to resources, watch helpful video lessons, improve your vocabulary and it’s all free.



Community Support

Interact with other students via real-time messaging and the academy news-feed. Make friends, form study groups, and participate in helpful discussions. 



 Access to Tutoring and Courses

Get access to affordable individual and group online tutoring for expert help. Take a course to increse individual skills. 

Try YICLE Academy

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Hello, I’m Meryem Kennedy.

Teacher and Founder of YICLE Academy

Helping people like you improve their English skills has been my passion and the reason I have made it my life’s work. I started YICLE Academy to help you with your specific needs and assist you in reaching your goals.

I have been an English teacher for over 25 years. I have taught at high schools, universities, colleges, and language institutions and have helped students from all over the world.

What I Can Do for You

As an experienced instructor, I can help you in any aspect of the English language. Check out the board below!

English Language Services
Learn English Faster

Why Choose the Academy?

Whether you’re a high school or college student, a professional in the workforce, looking to improve your skills on entrance exams, learning English as a second language, or you just need to find answers to your questions in English, I designed YICLE Academy with you in mind.

  • Boost your scores on tests.
  • Improve your workplace skills.
  • Get tips to learn English faster.
  • Get your questions answered quickly while learning English.
  • Write better papers, essays, letters of application, and résumés.


    I can help you!

    As your teacher, tutor, and coach, I have the tools to help you succeed.

    English Language Tutoring
    My Education

    Three degrees:
    B.A. in English Teaching
    M.A. in Applied Linguistics
    M.A. in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

    Teaching English
    My Experience

    Over 30 years of teaching at the high school, community colleges, and universities

    English Students
    My Students from Over 27 Countries

    Brazil, China, Colombia, Egypt, Eritrea, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Kuwait, Mexico, Pohn Pei, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Turkey, Venezuela, Vietnam

    English Language Services
    My Commitment

    Teaching, tutoring, and mentoring are my passions, and I look forward to helping you achieve your goals and reach your dreams.

    Join YICLE Academy. It’s Free!

    What Teachers Are Saying

    "I have not seen any other English language program that offers this kind of direct support from the instructor and the learning community."

    Liz K. – ESL Teacher

    As an ESL teacher of fifteen years, I am so impressed with Meryem’s YICLE Academy.

    Not only does it provide lessons on the most useful topics and necessary skills, but it offers a sense of community. Students may join discussions on specific topics and with other students of their same native language, as well as students around the world.

    I have not seen any other English language program that offers this kind of direct support from the instructor and the learning community.

    "YICLE Academy gives you personal access to a top-quality teacher and puts you in a community of other learners with the same goals. "

    Julie D. – ESL Teacher

    As a professional ESL teacher who has lived and worked in many countries, I am happy to see YICLE Academy as an option for students from around the world.

    YICLE Academy gives you personal access to a top-quality teacher and puts you in a community of other learners with the same goals.

    Learning English is a difficult task and cannot be done alone. Meryem has helped hundreds of students master the English language, and now with YICLE Academy, you have access to the same type of lessons and information that helped so many others.

    What Students Are Saying

    “I’m grateful to find YICLE Academy, a useful virtual learning platform to continue my English learning.”

    English is my second language, and I’m grateful to find YICLE Academy, a useful virtual learning platform to continue my English learning. My overall experience with this platform has been awesome and informative.

    YICLE Academy is a good place to refresh your knowledge on different topics, and it offers various online courses in different approaches, such as slideshows and video lectures. I was even able to schedule a real-time Zoom meeting with the instructor, Ms. Kennedy, who is super helpful for a second language learner. She cares about my needs and responds to my questions timely.

    The YICLE Academy website is user friendly and has consistent updates. I can simply log on to my account to choose any courses that I’m interested in and start learning anytime and anywhere I want.

    I also like that I can communicate with other English learners from different countries in “Classrooms,” making new friends and sharing our learning experience.


    YICLE Academy Student

    More Success Stories

    “I love that students from all over the world are represented, which makes learning English less intimidating for beginners.

    YICLE Academy is such a great place for English language learners. The site is very easy to navigate, which makes for a seamless learning experience! Mrs. Kennedy’s passion for teaching English manifests through her structured course work and well-thought-out topics. The fun and interactive video lessons are super easy to follow!

    What I like most about YICLE Academy is its diversity. I love that students from all over the world are represented, which makes learning English less intimidating for beginners. I strongly believe that if one’s goal is to be an expert in the English language, it’s never too late, and YICLE academy is a great place to start!


    YICLE Academy Student

    “Mrs. Kennedy’s teaching methods make anyone want to learn more.

    YICLE Academy is a well-thought-out program that helps you understand easy and difficult concepts alike. Mrs. Kennedy’s teaching methods make anyone want to learn more. Even after 12 years of speaking the language, I can always learn a thing or two from her. I attribute it to her lifelong learner attitude. Thank you, Mrs. Kennedy


    YICLE Academy Student

    “YICLE Academy is one of the most amazing websites I’ve ever used!

    YICLE Academy is one of the most amazing websites I’ve ever used!

    The system is not run by a robot. Ms. Kennedy, who is the creator of the application, has been teaching English in America for more than 20 years, is there to answer any questions at any time at the academy!

    No matter what level of English you know, you can take your English to unbelievable levels with fun videos, collective lessons, and individual face-to-face courses! And what’s more, you can do it from your own warm bed, from your own home, without paying a lot of money!

    Are you ready to try it once? Beware, you can get addicted to it like me!


    YICLE Academy Student

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